5 Holiday Ads Worth Watching

5 Holiday Ads Worth Watching

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year. People are a bit jollier, peppermint is omnipresent, and twinkle lights are everywhere. And for us marketing folks, it’s the perfect opportunity to appeal to our costumers with a bit of holiday spirit – often through advertisements. Here, for your viewing pleasure, are a few of our favorites:


This tearjerker for a German supermarket shows one way to get your family together for the holidays – though it’s probably best not to try this at home.


Well-known for their Christmas ads, the UK chain of department stores released yet another classic this year.


The supermarket chains are really pulling out all the stops this year. Here, yet another instance of an advertisement more closely resembling a short film.


Here’s a throwback – the Coca-Cola polar bears! These guys have been gracing our screens since 1993. ‘Cause what’s Christmas without tradition?

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