About us
“It’s easy to say it’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem. Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”
— Fred Rogers

There’s work to do.
Right now, good people like you are hard at work confronting the pressing issues that darken our world, from climate change and social justice to homelessness and health disparities.
And we’re in the fight with you.
Meet your team
Founded by nonprofit executives in 2007, Counterintuity takes its role as a digital marketing agency serving nonprofits to heart. Our talented strategists, creatives, marketers, and go-getters are committed to solving societal problems and lifting people up through our work with nonprofit partners like you.
Meet your team
Founded by nonprofit executives in 2007, Counterintuity takes its role as a digital marketing agency serving nonprofits to heart. Our talented strategists, creatives, marketers, and go-getters are committed to solving societal problems and lifting people up through our work with nonprofit partners like you.
We’d like to thank…

Each award tells a story of collaboration, innovation, and impact — to what we can achieve together.
They’re a celebration of the creativity, cleverness, and commitment our people bring to their work.
More importantly, these awards celebrate the successes we’ve helped our nonprofit partners attain. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about us — it’s about you, your cause, and the remarkable difference we can make together

MarCom Awards
Digital Media Platinum for B2B Website, JB Ashtin
Digital Media Gold for B2B Website, Ideal Pet Products

MarCom Awards
Strategic Communications Platinum for Promotion/Marketing Materials, Chow Down Burbank
Digital Media Platinum for Nonprofit Website, Coalition for Responsible Community Development
Digital Media Gold for Municipality Website, Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez

AVA Digital Awards
Website, Design, Development Gold for L.L. Foundation for Youth
Website, Design, Development Gold for USC Facilities Planning and Management
E-Annual Report Gold for Coalition for Responsible Community Development

MarCom Awards
Strategic Communications Platinum for Integrated Marketing/Promotional Campaign, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA)
Print Media Gold for Informational Brochure, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA)
Digital Media Gold for Website Design (Construction), RickHamm.com

MarCom Award
Digital Media Gold for Nonprofit Website, Global Organ Donor Education Network (GODEN)
W3 Award
Website Silver for Nonprofit, Global Organ Donor Education Network (GODEN)

MarCom Awards
Digital Media Gold for Nonprofit Website, Pasadena Symphony & POPS
Digital Media Platinum for B2C Website, Burbank Plastic Surgery
Communicator Award
Website Silver for Lifestyle, FantaSea Yachts

W3 Awards
Website Silver for Tourism, San Mateo County/Silicon Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau
Website Silver for Consumer Goods, Casoro Jewelry Safes
Website Silver for Computer/IT, Imanami

Communicator Awards
Annual Report Award of Distinction for Association, PBS SoCal Annual Report
Integrated Campaign Award of Distinction for Business to Consumer, Pasadena Symphony “Beethoven Emperor”
Website Award of Excellence for Charitable Organizations/Nonprofit, VEDC Entrepreneur Center
Website Award of Excellence for Sports, The Acres
Annual Report Award of Distinction for Nonprofit, VEDC Annual Report Brochure
W3 Awards
Website Silver for Sports, The Acres
Website Gold for Charitable Organizations/Nonprofit, VEDC Entrepreneur Center

Communicator Awards
Website Homepage, Pasadena Symphony and POPS
Davey Award
Website Copywriting, CV Alliance

Communicator Awards
Brochure Nonprofit, Pasadena Symphony and POPS
Website Visual Appeal, The Spot Gourmet
Davey Award
Website Food & Beverage, TheSpotGourmet.com
Print Collateral Brochure, Pasadena Symphony and POPS

Communicator Awards
Website Award of Excellence for Travel/Tourism, SMCCVB
Website Award of Distinction for Home Page, SMCCVB
Website Award of Distinction for Structure and Navigation, SMCCVB
Website Award of Distinction for Visual Appeal, SMCCVB

W3 Awards
Web Video Politics, “Yes, State Parks” campaign
Website Design, Bragg Crane
Website Visual Appeal, Bragg Crane
Communicator Award
Political Video, “Yes, State Parks” campaign
Website Interactive Design, Bragg Crane
Website Copywriting, Bragg Crane
Davey Award
Website Design, Bragg Crane
Small Business Award
United Chambers of Commerce, San Fernando Valley & Region
California Small Business Association
California Small Business of the Year

“Counterintuity has been a lifesaver to us! They listened to us and immediately knew what we wanted. We simply could not have managed the new technology, event management, website design, online identity and marketing changes we needed without them. They absolutely produce what they promise and more.”
Patricia Horton
Campaign Manager
Adam Schiff for Congress