Quit Clickbaiting, Start Chatbotting: 5 Lessons Marketers Learned in 2017

Quit Clickbaiting, Start Chatbotting: 5 Lessons Marketers Learned in 2017

Now that the holiday hustle is nearly over, our marketing team has some time to reflect on the past year – what worked, what didn’t and what we want to try in the future – because even us pros have a lot to learn.

  1. Millennials are no longer brands’ first priority. Another key demographic has come of age: Generation Z, otherwise known as those born during or after 1995. With close to $44 billion in purchasing power (according to Forbes), their attitude toward social media (they like more privacy) and advertising (they’re resistant) will shape the future of both.
  1. Influencer marketing is bigger than ever. People always follow the popular kids – and these days, they follow those kids on Instagram. Engaging pillars of social media for brand recognition/profit is a strategy that’s steadily gaining traction; a 2017 study determined this marketing tactic got the second-highest ROI of all.
  1. Clickbait isn’t fooling anyone. Hooking customers by declaring that an article or product will “Literally Change Your Entire Life Forever” is suspicious and, let’s face it, dishonest. (Unless you’ve invented a workable method of teleportation, in which case please contact us immediately because that would literally change our entire lives forever.) Rather than leading with hyperbole, test out longer, Inc.-recommended headlines.
  1. Chatbots are the new liaisons. More than ever, computerized customer service reps are connecting companies with customers. While the technology isn’t perfect, chatbots are getting smarter every day; and according to Grand View Research, the global market is predicted to reach $1.23 billion by 2025.
  1. Video content is exploding. Content is always crucial, and that content is increasingly being delivered through video. Forbes estimates half a billion people are watching a video on Facebook every day. Pro tip from Buffer: Square videos not only command 78 percent more space on a mobile news feed, they also get more engagement.

Bonus lesson: We take epic group photos.

Quit Clickbaiting, Start Chatbotting: 5 Lessons Marketers Learned in 2017

What was your most valuable 2017 takeaway? Let us know in the comments below!

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