The Fifth Deadly Sin of Marketing: Ineffectiveness

The Seven Deadly Sins of Marketing #5 “Ineffectiveness”

If you’re shoveling money out the window by running campaigns and ads that don’t generate results, Obviousman says you should stop.

But now you want to know why your outreach is ineffective, so you can make it actually work.

First, you’ll need to look at your creative. Is your message grabby enough? How about your design? Are they both compelling? Would they make your target audience want to click? If not, well, start there.

Ah, did we say target audience?

Maybe your marketing efforts aren’t working because you’re focusing on the wrong audience. Or maybe you’re looking for them in the wrong place. And behind all this? Lots of data — the true blessing of the digital marketing age, reams of data. Are you truly looking dispassionately at that data to ensure that you’re making best use of it to make good decisions?

Here are some ways to do that:

  • Segment your customers: Identifying your most profitable clients can help you determine your marketing approach to get them to buy (or donate) more. Identifying your least profitable segments can help you decide whether you want to spend more resources on them now, or have a follow up touchpoint later.
  • Target existing clients: Your best customer is your existing customer. You already have a relationship with them, and you’ve already invested the time (and therefore money) in selling to them, so they should cost you less than new customers. And, because of the mutual trust you’ve established, selling more to your existing clients can be more effective than selling to new customers. Google Ads and Facebook Ads offer the ability to retarget those who have purchased products in the past and can show them a relevant, personalized ad based on their purchase.
  • Be data driven: Be proactive and use analytics to determine the best direction for your marketing strategy. This could include Optimization on your website to lead to more conversion rates.
  • Review your online presence: Just having your organization online doesn’t mean that the right people are seeing your content. Search Engine Optimization will ensure that the right people are looking for you and that your pages are pushed to the forefront.

Focus on what you’re doing well and how to expand upon that, and you’ll start to see results. How will that make you feel?

Very very effective.

Not sure where to start? We can help.

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