The key to smarter marketing? Never stop evolving

marketer viewing website traffic analytics on a tablet

We just integrated a new marketing system into our workflow.

Why another one?

Because things change, and because we think it will serve clients better.

Our clients rely on our marketing to deliver results — measurable results. They (and we) need to know what marketing is working, how and why it’s working, what isn’t working, and what to do about it. That’s the beauty of digital marketing:  It’s trackable.

But why another system, when we already have so many?

Because we think this one offers improvements over the current one we’re using for social media management. It’ll help with drafts, approvals, scheduling, listening and reporting.

We’re testing this new one with our own marketing. We test first because in all cases, we want to test before we roll out big changes.

This is just the latest example of how we handle process improvements here.

  • Ask ourselves how things could be even better for our clients
  • Find the things that will help with that
  • Try them out — before launch

For websites, prior to launch of either a new website or big improvements to a current one, we do testing in a staging environment. If everything’s working well, then we launch.

For marketing strategy, we belong to two different marketing groups where we confab with literally dozens of other marketing agencies three times a month online and twice a year in person. And of course, we stay tuned online across the industry and subscribe to all sorts of things.

That’s in addition to drawing on our combined expertise of almost 100 years of experience in marketing.

And with online systems — fundraising tools, digital advertising, app development, CRMs, plug-ins, widgets, and more — we sample and test. Before taking the plunge.

We’re gearing up now to launch a new online portal for all our clients, anticipated to debut later in the year with many add-ons to follow. This portal will help clients streamline their marketing work, give them a better picture of what’s happening and how, and add interactive capability.

But first, of course, we’re testing it internally.

In the meantime, watch for the debut of our new management and reporting tool, and let us know what you think. We hope it makes the story behind your organization, as well as the data behind that story, even more visible to you.

Please let us know.

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