The Third Deadly Sin of Marketing: Silence

The Seven Deadly Sins of Marketing #3 “Silence”

Ever wonder why your message isn’t getting heard? Maybe it’s because you’re not saying anything.

Or maybe you’re saying something — but not loudly enough, not often enough, not distinctly enough. Maybe your mother was wrong and you shouldn’t use your inside voice. With so many organizations vying for attention, it’s important to get heard above the crowd, so you can increase awareness of the work you do.

However, raising awareness can be a challenge, especially when people are inundated by content every day.

So, how can you break through the noise? Here are 4 ways:

1. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Here’s the thing about having a strategy: It helps you become strategic! It also reinforces all the tactics that go into a strategy, so you know you’re taking truly valuable action every day, and not just spinning your wheels. Putting social media, email marketing, content marketing, and other tactics together into an overall whole gives you a force multiplier that engages your target audience and promotes your organization’s mission.

2. Create compelling content. “Compelling” is another word for “interesting.” Like, so interesting that people will set aside what they’re doing and look at it, maybe even read it. (Or watch it, or listen to it.) Compelling content such as blog posts, social posts, short form videos, and emails, help people get what you’re about, in bite-sized bits that entertain. You tell a great story over coffee, so why not apply the same approach over your social media?

3. Do some online advertising. Yes, Virginia, there’s a role for online advertising. It’s shockingly affordable, and you can use it to target the right people for your message. Even just boosting the occasional post for 10 bucks or whatever can unlock hundreds or thousands of people.

4. Analyze and optimize results. Remember measure twice, cut once? We’re of that school of thinking. The measurement — both before and after – will help you understand what was worth doing, and what was just a timesuck or a money drain. Did your strategy pay off? You’ll need to know the metrics of success in order to know whether or not you should crack open the champagne. Analyzing results helps you optimize your strategy, improve your overall effectiveness, and give you a reason to celebrate.

Is what you’re doing important? If so (and we think it is), then speak up! Put yourself out there loud and clear so everyone can hear about it.

Need some help? We can help you help you sing from the rooftops.

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