Why you don’t want no stinking badges

Counterintuity Badges

Here’s an example of how design makes the difference.

The top badge is mine from our Get Connected! social media seminar.

The one on the bottom is from an event Amy and I attended last week. Nice design, huh?

The undesigned badge signals this: “We haven’t given this a lot of thought.” And that’s what the event was like: a little sloppy and a little lazy. When I arrived, this badge wasn’t even ready! Instead, they stuck an orange post-it dot on my lapel and asked me to come back to the registration desk in a few hours.

Every scheduled session started late.

Speakers weren’t introduced.

There were handouts and schwag — but no tote to put them in. (So everyone left it all behind on the floor.)

Good design says “We’ve thought about this.”

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