3 ways to keep people on your website

Having a website puts you in the game, but enhancing the user experience keeps visitors on your site. The time potential customers spend on your website reflects how captivated they are by your content or product(s). For most content-driven websites, keeping traffic is just as vital as creating it.

To enhance the user experience, you’ll need captivating and fun content. Here are a few quick additions that can help:

1. Video content:
Statistics don’t lie: According to WebDam.com, “Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster than text, and videos increase conversions by 86%.” Use free web plugins to incorporate videos into your website’s content.

2. Internal links:
Strategic linking to quality content and subpages are great ways to keep (and direct) traffic, especially from your homepage. Feature those links on your website’s blog or news section to create a quick and direct connection.

3. New imagery/design:
Staying current and fresh can be accomplished by making tweaks and updates to your site’s design and look. The most noticeable place to do this will be on your homepage’s rotating slider—add a new image each month to keep visitors hungry for more.

Need help keeping your visitors’ attention? We have the answers. Contact us today.


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