East Hollywood Council Selects Logo Designed by Counterintuity

East Hollywood Business Improvement District logo

Source: Hollywood Bus. Advocate Jan/Feb 2018

After months of research and development by the Digital Marketing Agency Counterintuity, a new logo for the East Hollywood BID was recently approved by its Board of Governors. The logo was selected from a pool of potential logos that were inspired by the results of a survey conducted among property owners. This survey was distributed online, mailed, and conducted in person by volunteers who walked the district to ensure more accurate results. The results of the survey highlight a distinct identity for the district, one that is grounded in history but has developed into a funky and artsy area. This gave the BID’s marketing consultant guiding principles for the design and look of the new logo. This logo embodies the best qualities of East Hollywood that have made it a truly unique place with a rich history. The BID has not begun using the logo in all its communications and plans to place the logo on BID trash cans and street signs. This is one of several efforts the BID is launching to revitalize and improve East Hollywood.

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