Everything in social media is changing, again

Four people holding social media signs in front of their face

Every time you look, there’s a new big thing in social media. While most of that is hype, our social media team has identified a few trends worth keeping an eye on.

Here are four things the cool kids (and serious marketers) are doing right now to increase followers and engagement.

1. Authentic content over curated content

Social users are increasingly gravitating to content that feels genuine and relatable and can easily spot when a post or profile is overly curated. This trend is an opportunity for brands to present a more authentic version of themselves and benefit in the process. Authenticity creates a deeper connection with audiences and ultimately drives more engagement and success online.

2. Social audio

Podcasts, audio messages, and live audio streaming are becoming more popular, and social media platforms are starting to incorporate these features. Audio allows for more dynamic and interactive experiences and can help grow your audience by attracting users who prefer audio content over visual.

3. User-generated content

These days our social feeds are full of videos and images of people we don’t know and don’t follow. Much of this user-generated content (UGC) features product reviews and relatable reactions to life experiences. Brands can encourage this type of posting by their followers and see a solid return on virtually no effort. The everyday people shown in UGC are seen as more authentic and relatable than celebrities and polished social media influencers. And according to a Stackla consumer trend report, 80% of consumers say UGC impacts their decisions. While user-generated content limits a brand’s control over the content, it creates a powerful and authentic sense of community and engagement among followers.

4. Micro-moments

Use social media to share short-form, snackable content that can be consumed quickly and easily. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts have already seen success in this area, and we can expect to see more platforms and features geared toward micro-moments in the coming months.

Wondering if your current social media efforts are enough? If it’s time to do something new to get more out of your social following and engagement, let’s talk.


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