The Problem with Mass Marketing

The problem with mass marketing

Maybe one size can fit everyone – but it can’t fit everyone well.

Every now and then, amidst an otherwise successful shopping trip, you’ll come across an article of clothing that claims to be “one size fits all”. Any positive qualities the garment might have will dissipate as you regard it suspiciously and think, “There is no way this will work for me.” Disdainfully, you will place the item back on the shelf and proceed to purchase attire that recognizes the various shapes of human beings.

And that is the precise reaction today’s consumer has to mass marketing.

In the 1990s, your business could count on a listing in the yellow pages, a couple newspaper ads and a billboard to pick up leads. Today, consumers simply have too many choices for that approach to be effective. They’re researching and selecting products and services on their own terms. They’re informed and impatient, which means non-specialized marketing efforts will go unnoticed.

Today’s consumers expect customization.

What your marketing strategy needs (and doesn’t need) is specific to your business and target demographic.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to explore three ways you can use a tailored approach to distinguish your business and create a valuable digital marketing experience.

Of course, if you’re already convinced, you can cut through the clutter and contact us now.

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