SSL, Stat: What It Is & Why You Need It by October 2017

SSL, Stat: What It Is & Why You Need It by October 2017

We hate to be the bearers of bad news – but if your website doesn’t have an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), it isn’t secure.

Starting next month, Google will be flagging sites without SSL as NOT SECURE…and you do not want to be one of them.

  • How can I tell if my site is secure?
    You can tell whether you’ve got a secure connection pretty easily – in Google Chrome, just look for the green lock and HTTPS to the left of your web address.
    See it? You’re golden.
    Don’t see it? It’s time for a change.
  • First off, what is SSL?
    SSL is the means by which an encrypted link is created between two points on the internet. A secure SSL connection means your site isn’t collecting sensitive user data, such as passwords or credit card information.
  • Why is this suddenly a big deal?
    Google wants to keep the Internet safe from cyber attacks, hacking and snooping – as you might imagine, an SSL certificate has long been a must-have for contact and payment forms. For more information on why Chrome is taking this step, check out their blog.
  • Is an SSL certificate really necessary?
    YES. NetMarketShare reports that Google Chrome currently boasts a 59.38 percent market share. That makes it the world’s most popular browser. Know what else that means? Its NOT SECURE warning could send more than half of your visitors running for the hills.
  • How will a “Not Secure” tag affect my rankings?
    While we can’t yet be sure how the non-secure warning will impact SEO, it’s likely that over time non-HTTPS sites will fall lower in search results. On the flip side, according to GrowthScout, “an increasing number of HTTPS-protected websites” have begun ranking higher.
  • Okay, I’m convinced. What can I do?
    It’s time to add that “S” to “HTTP” by purchasing and installing an SSL. You’ve got two options here: either contact your host to learn their process, or let Counterintuity take care of it. We can purchase the SSL, handle installation with your host, and resubmit your site to Google for only $495.*

Contact us now and you’ll be the proud owner of an SSL certificate before you know it (and before Google knows you didn’t have one to begin with)!

* Subject to the capability and timeframe as mandating by your hosting service.

Image by typographyimages licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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