The Fastest Growing Sector on Social: Manufacturing

From Pipefitters to Food Processors to Medical Manufacturers, SOCIAL MEDIA HELPS INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES GET MORE WORK

Social media effectively reaches B2B decision-makers – 24 hours a day. In fact, according to Business Wire, 84% of C-level and VP-level buyers are influenced by social media in their decision-making.

Over the past 13 years, we have worked with a truckload of industrial companies on various parts of their digital marketing, and without exception, our social media work has boosted web traffic and contributed to an increase in leads. Wanna know how we did it?

On Tuesday, Feb 25th, we’re hosting a free webinar just for you: Social Media for Builders, Shippers, and Manufacturers

Use social media to tell your story.

If you’re a builder, shipper, or manufacturer – you have a story to tell. And you can use social media to tell that story in a way that reaches your ideal clients and generates work for your company.

During this webinar, we’ll show you the nuances of each social platform, and why you should consider including them in your social media strategy, including:


Yes, LinkedIn! LinkedIn can empower you to do much more than keep tabs on old colleagues and check references for recent job applicants – it can also help you sell B2B services around the globe. In fact, more than half of B2B buyers have used LinkedIn to help make a purchasing decision over the past year.

How? LinkedIn allows you to target specific individuals at companies and then facilitates introductions and begin conversations. There are also many tools to showcase past projects, provide insights to your industry, and display special skills or services that are unique to you and your business.


If you think Instagram is just for millennials — think again. According to TrackMaven, Instagram produces “20 times more engagement for B2B brands” than other platforms. On Instagram, you’re able to show off your portfolio of work, your impeccable customer service, and your expertise at a quick glance. Our client, Ideal Pet Products, has mastered this perfectly with their newly-revamped Instagram page by using engaging tiles, talking about things their target audience loves, and working in product callouts. Check them out here.

Google My Business (GMB)

By setting up your GMB listing, you’re taking advantage of some free marketing services from Google (yay!), boosting your SEO, and taking control of your business’s online presence. Keep your phone numbers, address, and hours up-to-date; provide Google with stand-out photos that you want them to show off; manage your reviews; declare your service areas and give a quick business description all from the GMB backend. Your GMB listing will look a little something like this:[dt_fancy_image image_id=”10419″][vc_empty_space height=”30px” el_class=”space-30″]It doesn’t end there. Optimized correctly, your GMB listing helps voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, by serving up information that you provide.

Register for the upcoming Webinar!

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