To Blog or Not To Blog?

To Blog or Not To Blog?

As a business owner, you need to stay relevant. You realize that the best way to accomplish this is by getting yourself a snazzy new website, so you call in some professionals and do it. It’s pretty, fancy, and does all sorts of stuff the cool kids will appreciate. Now, you just need people to see it. This is where content plays a crucial role, and the point at which most website owners ask themselves: Do I need a blog? Here are a few reasons why cranking out a weekly blog might be right for you:

  • One very effective means of driving traffic to your website is by updating it regularly – and a good way to accomplish this is by posting a weekly blog.
  • If you want Google to notice you (and who doesn’t?), blogging is a great way to up your domain rankings.
  • Through informative, well-written posts, you can position your company as an authority in its field.
  • A blog is a fun way to connect with your customers, and allows you to establish your brand and company voice.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words – but hey, you already have an Instagram account. A thousand words here and there can’t hurt.

Image is licensed under Creative Commons Zero.

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