USIndoor’s 2016 Facility Operators Conference

Cireon tradeshow

Our client, leading LED lighting manufacturer Cireon, just attended USIndoor’s 16th Annual US Indoor Facility Operators Conference in Las Vegas!

At the conference, Cireon representatives illuminated the benefits of LED light and…played foosball? Yep, foosball! Our client wanted to show the superior effect their lights have on fields and courts – on a small scale, i.e. one that could fit in a booth at a tradeshow.

So what’s a marketing firm to do? We bought a foosball table, assembled it and adorned it with their logo. As you can see, it seemed to be a pretty big hit!

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We’re glad we could help. And hey, if you’re ever in the market for some high quality industrial/commercial LED lighting, you know who to call! (They might even still have the foosball table.)

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