Client Shout-Out: SNPitty

Client Shout-Out: SNPitty

Today’s consumers want to make healthy lifestyle changes, but they expect the experience to be as efficient and personalized as possible. That’s why a personal wellness platform inspired by nutrigenetics – the science that identifies how genetic variation affects our individual response to nutrients – is precisely what people need. And it just so happens that this is precisely the service our client, SNPitty (pronounced snip-itty), will provide.

How will it work?

Essentially, SNPitty will analyze your genetic profile to present you with the most accurate, personalized plan for achieving your fitness goals. This approach is at the forefront of digital health technology, so it only makes sense that their new website be equally cutting edge. If we’ve taught you anything, a crucial step to success is a stunning web presence – and thanks to our terrific design team, they can certainly check that off the list!

Right now, they’re in the app development/fundraising phase. If this sounds like a project you’d like to be part of, you can contact SNPitty for more information here.

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