Hope, Housing & Hashtags: Inside CRCD’s 2018 Annual Report

CRCD Annual Report

This isn’t the first time we’ve done an annual report for the Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD) – but it is the first time we’ve done it like this!

CRCD is dedicated to elevating the lives of underserved individuals in South LA communities. Since 2005, it’s developed educational programs, improved local planning and provided empowering resources to low-income individuals.

For CRCD’s 2018 Annual Report, we wanted to communicate this awesome organization’s progress and achievements. How? With quippy copy, gripping graphics and illuminating images, of course.


Since it’s our second year creating CRCD’s annual report, our main hurdle was creating a report with a congruous but distinct feeling.

“It’s always a challenge to take what you’ve done before and present it in a fresh way,” says our designer Joe Curet, “Another challenge was to differentiate the sections in a way that is consistent with their branding.”

That’s where his design expertise really came in handy.

“I was able to use the four core colors from their logo to break down the sections. This time around we used the core CRCD colors in big blocks; which I believe helped accent the successes of the programs.” This approach ensured a visually stimulating report – while also presenting the statistics that made 2018 such an impressive year for our client.


Establishing CRCD’s Housing Expertise

CRCD placed a serious emphasis on housing in 2018, and we made this main mission clear from the first page. The report’s title? Building Housing for Homeless Youth. Its accompanying hashtag? #HousingHomelessYouth. Dedicating an entire section to CRCD’s Housing and Support Services Department? Check.

Creating Promotional Hashtags

CRCD uses hashtags to promote their programs throughout the year, so they were integral to the approach. #MakingADifference highlights their comprehensive youth development services. #EducationFirst refers to its array of programs that ensure young adults enter the workforce ready to thrive. #SchoolsNotPrisons features the young leaders working to increase opportunity and decrease poverty in America. Among many others, these hashtags will inform CRCD’s Instagram, Twitter and Facebook followers about exciting updates and future initiatives.

Celebrating Success

It’s been a great year for CRCD, so we placed a well-earned spotlight on success stories. “The approach seemed to be more a celebration of some of the people who have been through the program,” notes Joe. Highlighting the impact of CRCD’s programs thus far shows what a big difference one organization can make.


After many drafts and revisions, we think the final product is mighty fine – and most importantly, the client does too! “It was cool to see how CRCD has grown since the last report we did,” says Joe, “I really am inspired by the work they do.” Until next year, CRCD!

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