Instagram Carousel Ads

The concept behind Instagram Carousel ads is simple: swipe left to learn more. This new feature allows brands to add a bit more depth to their ads by including up to four photographs for Instagram users to scroll through. Some famous names that have already hopped on the Carousel: Banana Republic, Tiffany & Co., and Samsung.

Clearly, this feature is appealing to businesses. But will users feel the same way? That all depends on how it’s used. And if you ask us, the best tactic is to tell a story.

Carousel gives you the opportunity to not only showcase your product, but to illustrate its value by taking it on an adventure. Say you’re selling Ray Bans – don’t limit yourself to a single photo of lonely, lifeless sunglasses. Put them on a pretty face and follow them through a day at the boardwalk, a splash in the ocean and a sunset on the beach. Now that’s worth selling (and buying).

This applies not only to Carousel, but to marketing in general. Consumers want to be able to invest in something, and a story makes them feel a connection to that investment.

Not sure how to connect with your customers? Let us help!

Image by Mark Hillary is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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