Need an Ad Grant? Google It!

Need an Ad Grant? Google It!

We’re not saying money grows on trees, but this comes pretty close: Google offers $10,000 Ad Grants to eligible nonprofit organizations.


That means access to the Google Display Network (which, according to Google, reaches 90 percent of global internet users) and Google AdWords (which, according to the Google Economic Impact Report, generates an average of $2 for every $1 spent on advertising).

About 20,000 nonprofits are currently benefiting from Google Grants, and the program is available in more than 50 countries. There are a few requirements, of course: your organization must apply to Google for Nonprofits, hold valid charity status, and have a live active website, for starters. To find out if you qualify, check here.

Qualified? Copasetic!

Now that you’ve got your free advertising money, it’s time to tackle the business of actually managing AdWords – and this is where things can get a bit trickier. From writing to budgeting, juggling all the aspects of a successful AdWords campaign can be overwhelming.

Luckily, Google just gave you a healthy helping of cash – meaning you’ve got some left over for other things.

Things like a kick-ass marketing agency that can curate your keywords, craft your ad copy, and keep an eye on your campaign so that not a single cent goes to waste.

Which agency might we have in mind? Ahem – we look forward to hearing from you!

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